ADMOS 2023

A Posteriori Error Estimation for Second-Order Optimally Convergent G/XFEM

  • Bento, Murilo Henrique Campana (University of São Paulo)
  • Proença, Sergio Persival Baroncini (University of São Paulo)
  • Duarte, Carlos Armando (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

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This work presents a ZZ-BD a posteriori error estimator tailored for 3-D linear elastic fracture mechanics problems that are approximated by second-order pFEM-GFEM formulations. The proposed error estimator is shown to estimate well discretization errors in the energy norm, with the estimated discretization error converging at the same rate as the exact discretization error. Also, the computed effectivity indexes are close to the optimal value of 1 for a LEFM problem that exhibits 3-D effects.