ADMOS 2023

MS06 - Biomedical Simulations and Applications

Organized by: A. García Gonzalez (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain) and J. Ródenas (Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Spain)

Computational methods play a key role in current research in medicine and are fundamental to enhance our understanding of the different systems of the human body. The versatility of numerical modelling and simulation methodologies have paved the way for progressively advancing in their use to assist early diagnosis of diseases, advance modern treatment strategies and replace in-vivo trials with in-silico experimentation, representing the basis of computer-guided therapy and surgery. Given the complexity of the living tissues and the biological processes, the use of adaptive modelling and simulation technologies represent a must to allow for predictive simulations which are useful to the clinical community and can be implemented in daily clinical practice.
The goal of this minsymposium is to promote cross-fertilization of ideas towards more rapid progress in advancing the overall field of computational biomechanics, with special emphasis but not limited to:

  • Development of medical devices and new treatments.
  • Personalised medicine
  • Organ and tissue mechanics
  • Orthopaedic biomechanics
  • Data mining and machine learning in biomedical engineering
  • Calibration and validation of biomedical models.
  • Data-driven models and reduced order models.
  • Digital twins